U 3 welcome 教案+教学反思(张彦芬)
发布时间:2017-12-27   点击:   来源:本站来源   作者:admin

课题:U3 Welcome




Know the names of some common subjects.


Talk about their favourite subject with proper language.


Talk about their school life with proper words.



Read and spell these subjects correctly: Geography, History, Biology.


Talk about their favourite subject.







1 lead in

Ask the questions:

What do I teach you?

Yes, English is a subject. Do you know the Chinese meaning of subject?

Excellent. Good job. You are right.

So which subject does Miss Qi teach you?

Which subject does Mr Yu teach you?

2 Yes, there are many different subjects. Can you tell me their names?(show the pictures of different subjects)

Wonderful. Pay attention here. The first letters of these words are big letters or small letters?

Do you know why is that? Because when used as the name of the subject, the letters should be big letters. Try to remember it. OK?

3 Good. And there are some other subjects. Lets get to know them. First, which subject tells us about things happened in the past?(picture)

Yes. So how to say it in English? History. Follow me.(read twice, read the sound of vowels, and spell it)

Which subject tells us about plants and animals?

Which subject  tells us about different countries, seas, rivers etc.

4 Besides these subjects, we also have reading class. We read Chinese or English every morning, right? And we have class meetings. Every Monday, Miss Qi tells us some class rules in class meetings. What about computer study class? What do you learn in this class? Yes, you learn how to use computers. Now we have learned so many different subjects, lets read them together ok?

Read after me.

5 Well done. Now lets check if we have known these subjects. Please write down the names of these subjects according to the pictures. If you have finished, please check it with your partner. (check it one by one. Correct the pronunciation if necessary)

6  So of all these subjects, which is your favourite subject?

For me, I used to like Music best, because I like singing very much, and I want to learn how to sing. It makes me very happy. So please work in pairs, talk with your partner about your favourite subject, you can use the sentence structures I give you. You can also add your own ideas. Lets begin now.

Have you finished? Please stand up and talk in front of us. Any volunteers?

7 who is he?(show Eddies picture) Yes, he is Eddie. Do you want to know his favourite subject? Ok. Listen carefully and try to answer the following questions.

Which subject does Eddie like best?

How many cakes does Eddie want to eat?

Why can Eddie learn Maths well?

lets read their dialogue together ok? Read after me.

Wonderful. Now please think about this question. Should Eddie eat Hobos cake? Read again and think about it.

In my opinion, Eddie should not eat Hobos cake because it is selfish. We should learn to share our food with others. Do you agree?

Good. Next I will give you several minutes to prepare. Try to act out the dialogue. Add some facial expressions and body movements where you can. Be creative, ok? You can begin now.

9 I think all of you have done a very good job. Lets give them big hands. Who is this girl? (show the picture) Yes, Millie wants her mother to come to Sunshine Middle School on the Open Day. Do you know what open day means? That means open our school to the parents. On the Open Day, our parents come into our school and into our classrooms. They watch us have classes, talk with our teachers etc. so that they can know our school life better, right? Now please listen to Millie and her mothers dialogue and answer these questions.

Whats the date of the Open Day in Millies school

What time does the parents’ meeting begin?

What else do parents do after the meeting?

Where does Millie meet her mother?

Read the dialogue again and try to fill in the blanks.

Good job. Now read it again by yourself and then role play with your deskmate.

10  Now lets sum up what we have learned today. Can you tell me?

We have learned some different subjects, what are they? We can also talk about our favourite subject. After class please read the dialogue with your partners.

Answer :English.


Answer: Maths.

Answer: Chinese.

Answer one by one: Music, PE, Maths, Chinese, English, Art

AnswerBig letters.

Answer: OK.

Guess and say历史

Read the word, read the vowels and spell the letter(together and group by group)

Learn Biology and Geography  in the same way.

Answer: right.

Answer: computers.

Read the names of subjects together.

Check the answers and answer one by one.

Talk about their favourite subject with their partners.

Listen and answer.

Read the dialogue.

Read and think about it.

Act out.

Answer: Millie.

Listen and answer.

Read and answer.

Read in pairs. Role play.




所以,经过一段时间的学习,总算可以比较流畅地、目的明确地完成一堂课的授课。这当然也只是最基本的教学能力层级了。回顾这次课的整个流程,可以总结出几个有进步的方面。第一,对学情把握更清晰。最初并不太了解学生情况下,对学生的口语水平、知识架构、接受能力等都比较模糊,心中无学生,就只是对着课件过流程。自己也觉得课堂比较沉闷,学生反应不够热烈。经过一段时间接触,能够逐渐向学生靠拢,从他们角度设置问题创设情境,指令用语也尽可能简洁易懂,避免一些难词的使用。第二,对课堂流程更加熟悉,课堂过渡更加流畅。经过一段时间听课学习,对不同课型的大致流程有了较清晰的概念。不同环节之间适当衔接,而不仅仅是用“Next, let’s”这种比较生硬的过渡。第三,在备课比较充分的基础上,明确教学目标,通过教学活动较好地完成教学目标。通过一段时间学习,明确备课的首要因素是明确教学目标,在此基础上设置各个教学活动。如U3 welcome的教学目的是掌握三个学科名词的拼读,并且能够用合适的语言讨论自己喜欢的学科。那么在授课过程中geography, history, biologhy这几个词就不应简单带过,而是要纠音和拼读,尽可能使学生在课上就会读,对如何拼写也有很深的印象。

进步虽然是有一些,但更多的是需要改进和完善的地方。第一,遗漏了小组活动设计。课堂环节中有一些同桌讨论、校对的活动,但是四人小组活动欠缺。可以在漫画部分的延伸讨论部分设计小组活动,或者校对答案过程中也可以设置成小组讨论方式。第二,漫画和学校开放日的对话设计时间比重安排不合理。学校开放日的对话知识点涵盖较多,应着重处理。但在上课过程中,漫画占用的时间很多。开放日的对话处理相对简单了一些。第三,学校开放日这段对话的处理较为简单。只有简答、填空这类细节信息题,没有较深层次的处理,比如提炼和归纳参加会议的基本要素——when, where, who, what等。



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